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3 Tips To Book More Brides, Even If You Don't Like Social Media

How To Market Your Wedding Business, Even If You Don't Like Social Media

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Hey guys, it's Jenn here again. I am going to be coming to you with questions and answers for things that people have been asking me for the past at least 10 years. So today I'm going to start with one, and that is how to get brides that are willing to pay more versus cheap, unqualified price shoppers. I know that in the wedding business especially, we all deal with this. This is something that has gotten progressively worse with the advent of social media and all of the Instagrammers and everything. Everybody that's online today.

Brides are looking to spend less, even though the numbers actually show that the average bride is spending over $36,000 per wedding. And they're still spending the money, but for some reason I keep hearing from you guys that you're getting these brides that just don't want to pay you what you're worth and you know that your services are worth more. So again, today, how to get more brides that are willing to pay more versus cheap, unqualified price shoppers. I'm going to give you three tips.


1. Prices

Are you putting your prices online? Are you posting your prices or at least the starting point for your prices online? Because in this way you can pre-qualify those brides or grooms that are coming to your website in sales, which is what I've been doing for the last 15 plus years, is we have to qualify to make sure that these are the right ideal, what I like to call angel brides. So your angel client is basically your ideal client, the person who is willing to spend the price that you're asking for for your services or products. And so the fastest and easiest way, again, to do that is just to post online under pricing or investment.

It's up to you how you want to phrase it. But you can, you definitely want to put that on your website because that way you pre-qualify people. If they see your pricing and it's just completely out of their price range, why waste your time or theirs? We want to make sure that we're attracting ideal wedding clients.


2. SEO.

This one scares a lot of people. I know it's really masculine and real techie for some people, but SEO was the key to my success in my business. When I started Jennifer Ballard Makeup Artistry back in 2007, one of the biggest keys to my success was SEO. I learned SEO inside and out. Granted it was a heck of a lot easier than it is now, but it's still just as important because if you're not ranking on Google page one or at least page two for what your ideal clients are Googling, you're not going to get found. Yes, networking is extremely important, but to keep a steady flow of new potential clients coming in, you need to have SEO.

So let me know what your questions are specifically around SEO and I can get back to you and answer some of those more specific questions. But the key thing is what are they Googling. When it comes to SEO, think about your ideal angel bride and what she's Googling, what is she typing into Google to find you. And that's what you want to keep your keywords around, what you want to post your articles or your blog posts about. A lot of times they're looking for how to find the best X, Y and Z videographer, DJ, makeup artist, whatever it is that you are.

So that's going to be one of the best titles that you can use for your blog posts. And within that, obviously there are additional tips, but we're going to try to keep this short today. But that's the number two tip.


3. Branding.

How are you branding yourself? Are you kind of using different fonts here and there or are you using really basic stock photos? Are you not showcasing your work in beautiful imagery? Are you using the best photographs that you've had taken? Have you asked the photographer, hey, can you please remove that watermark that's on there if this was a page shoot that you were working on? If you're a photographer, is the makeup artists willing to keep your watermark on there or your logo on the picture? But really for classic branding and luxury branding, we want to remove all of these types of things.

And are you using the same font consistently or the same fonts consistently? Are you using, again, that beautiful imagery, beautiful photographs consistently throughout the site? Are using those photographs in your blog posts? Is your brand a luxury brand? Because you're going to attract what you put out there. So if you want to attract those high end brides, we need to put out high end you and you are your brand. So that is the key to attracting those higher end clients, again, that are willing to pay more versus the unqualified wedding price shoppers.

So in a summary, I want to wrap this up, let you know that if you're looking to make more money in your wedding business, you want to have more time and financial freedom and feel confident in your sales conversations in order to really love your business, then I invite you to head on over to Click on work with me where you can find and book your make more bridal bank action plan with me today. And basically what we'll do is chat about what's going on for you, identify some roadblocks and see if I can be of further support to you.

So I hope you enjoyed this and I'll talk to you soon.

So now you have a better idea on how to market your business as a wedding professional, even if you don't like social media. Want to learn how to book more ideal clients? Grab your FREE Masterclass