How To Find The Perfect Niche, In Less Than 30 Minutes

How To Find The Perfect, Profitable Niche

The first question you’ll get from business coaches and guides on how to succeed in business will be “do you have a niche yet?”. People are obsessed with niches, and with good reason. Your niche will dictate many things about your business: your marketing strategy, your social media strategy, your prices. So today I bring you a 4 step guide on how to find your niche in less than 30 minutes.

The four steps are 4 questions you want to ask yourself to identify the niche of clients you want to work with. To convert better clients, your efforts must be better used. So start by defining your niche, and creating a message that speaks to that people.

  1. Who is your ideal client?

Everyone wants to think that their service or product is for every person in the world. But it’s not. And it’s not a good approach. You want to invest your time in reaching out to the small group of people with whom you’d LOVE working with. This is how you find your niche. Let’s see how to know who they are.

Start by thinking about your past clients, whether you worked in a corporate environment, or you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while now. Think about your favorite client. Who was the person you most enjoyed working with? Why did you enjoyed working with them? What was different about that experience than the other clients you’ve had?

Now, take a piece of paper or your notes app on your phone and describe that person, that client, in as much detail as possible. Age, interests, project, goals, budget, availability, communication style. As many details as possible. 

This is the first key. This list is your very own personal guide to finding the best clients. 

  1. Who can you help the most?

You offer a specific service. You enjoy working on certain projects. And you are better at them too! For example: if you’re a business coach, you might enjoy (or might be better at) coaching social media marketing strategies way more than coaching entrepreneurs on their finance and budgeting. 

So your niche of clients is those who are looking for social media strategy training and coaching. 

Think about your own offer, about what you’ve done in the past, and what you feel more confident in. And reach out, or create a strategy that reaches out to people who need to solve the problem you’re an expert on. 

Your best client is always that whom you can help best.

  1. Can the client pay?

Now, as much as we want to believe everyone can afford your services, this is not true. A lot of business owners and entrepreneurs are not in a position of hiring high-end services

Do you need a high-ticket offer for your business? Yes. In order to work less, earn more, and grow your business you need to know the worth of your offer, of your services. 

Once you have your packages set up, think back to your angel client. Are they in a position to pay for your offer? You need to imagine not only the person your ideal client is, but also how well their business is doing, and how much investment capital they have. 

You need to think of where are your ideal clients in their own business journey, in order to be able to pay for your services. 

Now, if you get a lead with a client, ask yourself: 

Do you believe they will pay for your service? 

It might sound confusing but, the first person to believe in your offer-client relationship and worth is yourself. If you believe that the client will find the means to pay for the solution your offering to their problem, they will pay you. You have to believe it.

Think about it like believing in yourself. 

  1. How does the client phrase their problem?

Make sure you are listening to what your ideal clients are looking for. What problem do they have and how do they phrase it. 

Would they write on Google “How to get the best business revenue” or would they type “How do I get more sales”? These are two very different voice tones and two different phrasing styles. The difference depends on the client who’s writing. 

This is important because it will help you figure out how you should phrase your solution to their problem. You want to speak in the same language and voice tone as your ideal client. You want to phrase the result or outcome they would get with your services in a way that speaks to the specific desire of your leads. 

Where is your client in their business? What problem will they encounter? How can you help?

You need to speak to them thinking of the point where they are in their business and the results they’d like to see. 

Four simple questions to help you find your niche


Answering these questions will take you less than half an hour. Ok maybe an hour, tops. But it will make the biggest difference on how you should invest your time and efforts when it comes to growing your business. 

Find your niche, identify your ideal client, and make sure your offer is something they would need. These are the keys for business success. 

Looking for more business guide and inspirations? Check out my masterclass on how to have your Best Year Ever! I want to help you get better clients, increase your income, and work more on what you love.

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